
Who we are?

EUROYoung is a Forum of EURO, the European Association of Operational Research Societies. We provide training, dissemination and networking opportunities to young Operational Researchers.


  • Fostering collaboration among students and early-career researchers in OR.
  • Providing young OR scholars and practitioners with tools to advance their careers, mainly through training.
  • Creating networks both among young researchers and with more senior leaders in the field of OR.
  • Connecting demand and offer in the OR job market, both in academia and the industry.

Highlights: 1st EUROYoung (Mini) PhD School


Become a member of EUROYoung Forum!

less than 1 minute read

All members of EURO national societies are welcome. To stay true to our name, we encourage participation of young researchers (up to 35 years old) and of any...

Meet the board!

less than 1 minute read

After 5 years, Alberto Santini, the founder and driving force behind the forum, has stepped down from his role as coordinator. Thanks, Alberto, for your exce...